
Welcome to Japan

I made it! I made it to Tokyo, Japan with such a painless flight. I couldn't believe how fast the time went. I've had 3 hour flights that seemed much longer. So, I think that it was the adrenaline and the good company that made the flight seem so short. Most of the people on my flight are in the same program (JET) as I am. We all talked about our questions, fears, and excitement about going on the adventure of a lifetime.

Well, I just wanted to let you all know that there are going to be a few funny stories coming your way regarding Japan and the way they do things around here. Here are a few quirky things that I've noticed so far, but I have a feeling this is just the beginning...

* Legwarmers are ever popular, even in the dead of summer. Now, you would think with the humidity and heat that you would want to wear no socks at all, but these girls are sporting full on leg warmers. Maybe it helps with reducing water weight in the ankle area... who knows.

* Winnie the pooh (Pooh-San as they call him in Japan) is a local celebrity here. EVERYONE loves him! Even the super macho body builders wear Winnie the Pooh gear. No joke.

* Oh, and the bathroom experience can range anywhere from a hole in the ground (squatters) to a fully heated seat with a bidet that is digital so you can tell your toilet how you'd like the water pressure. Talk about service with a smile ; )

With that, I think that this time in Japan will be an adventure filled with many laughs, insights, and a few head scratches here and there. Wish me luck!


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