
Granny Goose Got Me

One of the many great things about Japan is that most everybody here rides bikes. It's the greatest thing. Its especially fun to see the little old ladies on their bikes. One might think that they would be wobbling all over the place, but no, these little ladies are quick! I mean, we're talking 80 year old ladies giving me a run for my money.

This morning on the way to work, there was an old lady who whizzed by me. So I thought, "oh yeah, you wanna race? I'll race ya!" So without her even knowing it, I was trying desperately to keep up with her. On my 30 minute journey to school, I only passed her twice... only to get passed by her again.

So the final leg of the race, I see a yellow light turning red, at which I stopped. Grannie sprinted through the light and left me in the dust.

Although I was defeated today... please know that this race is not over yet. I will hopefully see her tomorrow.


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