
Fraggle nature

Some people, when they hear my name, may think of two things. Turtle and Fraggle. Turtle is for my slow, calculated way of living. I love the slow life. I love to think slowly. I love to fold my clothes slowly. I love to cut vegetables slowly. Not for the sake of being slow, but because I love things to be precise. Well, one of the things in my life that isn't precise is my hair. No matter how slowly I do it, its still frizzy. Hence, the name Fraggle. The name Fraggle comes from the Jim Henson show, following the Muppets, called Fraggle Rock. Its a bunch of wild haired puppets banging on their instruments. I relate most with the red Fraggle. Her name is Red. She plays the drums, and swings her hair all around. Oh and she's a yo-yo pro. I'm not good at the yo-yo, I just think that's cool.

I was an undercover Fraggle living in Southern California, where dry days and warm weather helped to soothe the frizz. I then moved to San Francisco, where foggy days brought out the Fraggle in me. Some days were better than others. But in Japan, with its hot and humid days... Wow! Everyday is a treat. This has given my fraggle nature a whole new life. Honestly, my hair looks more like a cotton ball than anything. No amount of products can suppress the Fraggle in me.

So, I had a choice... I can embrace my inner Fraggle OR I can put the drums aside, have some self respect, and throw down a few dollars for a professional hair straightener. I mean, I can always go back to my Fraggle lifestyle when I get back home, right? Well, let me just tell you... my hair has never been straighter, and I have never felt better knowing that I no longer have to look at a cotton ball every morning in the mirror.

I will always be a Fraggle at heart. I'm just on hiatus.


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